chitika company review | Lush web

chitika company review | Lush web

chitika company review | Lush web

chitika is a search ads targeted company. chitika is very best site for publishers and advertiser's.
publishers can show ads on his site and advertiser can advertisement his products through chitika.
Chitika is also a largest network for publishers and advertiser's.
chitika gives many types of ads to publishers like text ads , colorful ads , attractive ads and other types of ads.

This is most popular site of PPC sites. working all around in world for bloggers and wordpress sites.

review about chitika                       


Publishers can earn money via chitika. publishers can apply for chitika if publisher have a lot of traffic on his site. if you have 1000 visitors daily then you can apply for chitika. chitika give ads of advertiser to publishers. then publisher adjust ads on his site when a person click on ad then chitika gives you pay per click rate.


Advertiser show his products or website ad via chitika. chitika give ads to publishers to show ads of advertiser. then publisher adjust ads and show ads in his web site when any one click on ads publisher can earn and advertiser get a visitor on his web site.
this is a circle work peoples redirect to many websites via ads.
These ads run via many company's.

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